Seeding Services for Commercial & Residential Lawns

Seeding a yard will help to increase turf density and improve the overall appearance of the lawn, while also helping choke out weeds and repair insect damage. Seeding is a critical part of most annual lawn care plans as overseeding in the fall will promote and ensure a thick and healthy lawn all year round. Additionally, lawn seeding services can also be used as needed to help treat and fill in bare or thin patches that can result from a variety of problems.

Seeding Services in St. Louis

At Malone’s Landscaping, we offer lawn seeding services for both commercial and residential clients located throughout the St. Louis area. We can prepare your lawn or soil for seeding and perform the seeding or overseeding services in order to help keep your lawn looking its best. We also offer a variety of other lawn care and landscaping services for our residential and commercial landscaping clients.

To learn more about our commercial and residential lawn seeding services or to schedule an appointment for seeding your yard, please contact our St. Louis landscaping company.

The Importance of Seeding a Yard

Seeding a yard regularly will help ensure a thick and healthy lawn that can choke out weeds. In addition to regular seeding in the fall, sometimes it is also necessary to seed a yard in the spring in order to address bare spots or thin areas, which may develop.

In general, seeding a yard will:

  • Maintain thick and dense turf
  • Allow a lawn to choke out and prevent weed growth
  • Repair bare or thin patches from past insect or disease problems
  • Repair thin areas that result from increased foot traffic
  • Thicken weak and thin areas caused by shady conditions

More Information About our Seeding Services

Choosing the Best Time for Seeding a Yard

In general, it is best to seed a lawn in the fall. However, sometimes it can also be necessary to seed in the spring in order to meet your lawn’s particular needs. The experts at Malone’s Landscaping can evaluate your lawn to help you determine the best approach to caring for your lawn. We will help you determine when and where your lawn may benefit from overseeding services in order to promote and encourage overall turf health.

Learn more about when we recommend seeding your yard below, or contact us to talk with one of our lawn experts.

  • Fall Seeding: This is the number one choice for seeding your lawn. This is an ideal time for seeding because the extreme heat of the summer has ended, days are becoming shorter and temperatures are getting cooler, weed growth stops or slows, and slower steadier rainfalls are more common. Additionally, seeding a yard in the fall will allow the grass to have two growing seasons, in the fall and spring, and will also allow a yard to develop its root systems before enduring the extreme heat of a St. Louis summer.
  • Spring Seeding: Spring is the second best time for seeding a yard. However, there can be problems because weeds are beginning to germinate and are competing with the grass, the grass only has one season to develop root maturity before the extreme heat of the summer, and the hard rains common in the spring may cause erosion and wash the seed away.
  • Summer Seeding: Summer is the third best option for seeding a lawn. When seeding in the summer, the seed must be kept wet to prevent it from drying out and dying. This can be difficult because of the extreme heat of the summers. However, heavily mulching the seed and watering frequently can help seed to grow in the summer.
  • Winter Seeding: Winter seeding should only be done as a last resort because the soil temperatures tend not to stay warm enough to promote sustained germination. Additionally, birds will frequently eat seed more during winter months, as there is limited food supply in the winter.

Preparing Soil for Seeding

Lawn Seeding Company

There are a couple of steps that are important to take when preparing the soil before seeding a yard and immediately after seeding a yard in order to promote maximum growth. This can include performing a PH test to measure the acidity of your soil. Depending on the results of this test, the PH may need to be adjusted since highly acidic soil is difficult to grow grass in. Another step that is required before seeding a yard is soil preparation. This involves breaking up, tilling, scarifying, or aerating the soil so that the seed has a better chance to grow.

After the seed is applied, it may be necessary to apply a starter type fertilizer in order to help the seed to grow. Popular types of fertilizer include 12-12-12 or 13-13-13. Additionally, mulching over the seed is important in hotter weather conditions as it can help the seed to retain moisture and block out damaging heat from the sun.

Learn More About Seeding a Yard

If you have additional questions about seeding a lawn or would simply like to learn more about our lawn seeding services, please contact our St. Louis landscaping company today. As an experienced lawn services and landscaping company for commercial and residential clients, we can answer any of your questions. With our lawn care services including regular seeding, we will have your lawn looking healthy all year long.